We proudly present our new seminar “BUSINESS PLANNING using STRATEGY MAPS and the BALANCED SCORECARD system of efficient Business Plan implementation, the latest developments in designing a Successful Business Plan. The 12 stages of the Strategic Planning process, shown in the diagram below, are illustrated using specific examples based on Case Studies in which these steps are implemented using the above tools. Strategic goals for sales and profitability increase (shareholder’s satisfaction goals) followed by customer satisfaction goals (Quality of Service, customer relations, etc.) are represented using the Strategy Map. Then, the organisation improvement oriented processes and projects that will contribute towards the achievement of these goals are determined. The Final part of the Map shows the targets set in the field of Human Resources. Finally, a 4-indicator system applied on all of the above sectors (Balanced Scorecard) allows companies to monitor the Business Plan Implementation process and check whether progress is satisfactory or not. AQS has designed an Administration Support System that can be used in planning the critical actions that are necessary, even on a weekly basis; this allows companies to connect Strategy to their routine operations (available to seminar participant free of charge). Since we determine our strategic goals using the Strategy Map, we design projects and processes that are required for the materialisation of those strategic goals, by checking their efficiency through the Balanced Scorecard System An Administration Support System clarifies the critical actions that should be taken, even on a weekly basis, thus allowing the company to connect its Strategy with its daily operations.- DETERMINATION OF MISSION - DEVELOPMENT OF VISION & STRATEGY FOCUS The importance of vision, mission, and corporate values Characteristics of a Successful Vision Spreading the vision to the Employees
- ANALYSING THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Analysing Customers’ needs Analysing the Financial Environment Analysing the Competition
- ANALYSING THE INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Critical Check Points Auditing the company’s processes Self-Assessment based on the EFQM Model
- SWOT ANALYSIS PROCESSING Analysing the Strengths Analysing the Weaknesses Analysing Opportunities Analysing the External Environment Threats Hazards
- SETTING STRATEGY MAP GOALS Financial Goals o Increase of sales o Cost reduction Rendering value Services / Products to the customer o Product/Service Quality o Brand Management o Developing Relations with Customers Goals of Internal Organisation o Selecting Customers o Gaining new Customers o Keeping Customers o Sales development o Operational Processes o Products Services Development Processes o Human Resource Development Processes o Logistics Processes o Social Responsibility Processes o Indicators for Measuring the Efficiency of Processes Human Resource & Infrastructure Development Objectives o Human Resource Planning o Developing Skills o Creating a positive working environment o Change Management o Information & Knowledge Management o Developing Infrastructures
- DEVELOPING A BALANCED SCORECARD SYSTEM Financial Sector Indicators Client Sector Indicators Internal Processes Indicators Human Resource & Infrastructure Development Indicators
- DETERMINATION OF PROJECTS & PROCESSES Finalising the Processes of Section 5 Preparing a Goal Achievement and Process Improvement Table
- BUDGETING THE BUSINESS PLAN Budget Structure Connecting the Business Plan to the Budget
- DESIGNING PROJECT PROCESSES Evaluation and Prioritisation of Project Processes Designing Projects Designing Processes
- PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION & PROCESS APPLICATION Project Monitoring & Implementation Implementation Auditing of Processes
Course Content
- Company Owners
- Managing Directors
- General Managers
- Senior executives
Seminars material includes:
- “Business Planning using Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecard” manual including Case Studies and solutions (hardcopy)
- Complete seminar presentation
- The set of forms used in Business Planning
- Sample of a Complete Business Plan – Control
- Evaluation tables of Internal and External Environment
- Business Planning Software and Excel spreadsheets for Budgeting and Cash Flow
- Free consultancy services on the seminar topic, for an entire year, available through our website

Nicholas J. Michaloliakos
Chem. Eng., top manager in large international companies for 20 years, Managing Director of Advanced Quality Services Ltd, a management consulting company specialising in strategy that has participated in more than 300 integrated reengineering projects.Live Online Training
Date: 2021Venue & Hall: E-learning,
Discount analysis:
20% discount for the 3rd and every subsequent.
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