As it is already known, the quality and efficiency improvement in the production of products and services requires special methodologies and suitable SPC (STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL) tools. The use of SPC tools enables effective decision-making regarding improvement of the processes in the various business sectors. The seminar presents the basic principles, the SPC methods - tools and their application with use of proper software in real company data. The SIX SIGMA system is emphasized. With the application of the 6 Sigma System, a company can impressively increase the Profitability, Quality and Personnel Satisfaction Indicators.Course Content
- Quality – efficiency Indicators
- Data collection (design of data sheets) – Applications
- Fluctuation – Histograms – Pareto Diagram (80/20 rule)
- Attributes of normal distribution – Experiments for the verification of the Mean Value theory
- Criteria determining when a distribution is normalB. PROCESS CONTROL TOOLS
- Applications of normal distribution
- When the operator is responsible and when the “system” (95/5 rule)
- Calculation of the control limits
- Relation of control limits with the specifications of products or services
- Control charts
- Control charts x, mean value x, R, p, np, u, c, CuSum
- How do we evaluate if an activity is under control?
- How do we apply a Control chart in a production line or for control of services, if until today, the essential data are not collected (starting from zero base)?C. MEASUREMENT OF PROCESS CAPABILITY
- How to calculate the process capability. How to achieve stability (reduction of variability) Cp, Cpk, Cpu, Cpl
- Estimation of the ability of measuring instruments – methods. Required measurement precision. Process improvement Methodology
- The methodology for the elaboration of a Capability Study (all stages presented via practical application)
- Planning of Actions when the process is not under control or does not have the required capabilityD. APPLICATIONS IN QUALITY CONTROL
- How do we determine the sampling plan
- How do we determine the size of the sample in order to ensure that the result will range within pre – determined limits?
- Repetition, reproduction, total measurement error. Measurement of uncertainty
- Estimation of the capability of measuring instruments – methods. Required measurement precisionE. 6s SYSTEM
- What is the 6s System
- Quality of 6s
- Selection of 6s projects
- Methods for the evaluation and prioritization in the selection of projects
- Green belts – Black belts
- Planning and implementation phases of 6s projects
- Presentation of a software for the management of 6s system and SPC tools
- Practical problems and their confrontation during the implementation of 6s projects
- Tools and methodology of 6s projects
The Seminar is addressed to all business executives involved in the sectors mentioned below, who are interested in developing SPC tools in order to improve the quality and decrease the cost of processes.
Fields of Application:
- Control of product and service Quality Parameters
- Reliability and Control of suppliers performance
- Control of stock precision, follow-up of product cost
- Collection and prioritization of problems, management of forecasts
- Production efficiency, Packing Lines, Maintenance
- Warehouse productivity, Quality indicators of the Logistics System
- Project management & Estimate of completion time
- Market research & Estimation of the research error
- Sales efficiency, Sampling system
- Financial Indicators, customer service level

Nikolaos Logothetis
Live Online Training
Date: 2021Venue & Hall: E-learning,
Discount analysis:
20% discount for the 3rd and every subsequent.

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