HRM, Personnel Selection, Evaluation and Empowerment Systems

AQS has been successfully providing HR Management consulting services with a focus on human resource development for over 20 years. Our goal is to support organizations with our knowledge and long-term experience to achieve high performance and at the same time maximize employee satisfaction in an environment of appropriate culture.

Our Services are aimed at aligning and developing the Human Resources of an Organization - Business in order to develop the required skills and appropriate behaviors (culture) in order to successfully implement the strategic goals of the Organization.

In collaboration with the executives of each Organization, we design the critical Processes which are:

  1. The Planning of the required manpower based on the Operational objectives

  2. The selection of suitable personnel,

  3. Staff Motivation and Development Policies – Development of Incentive Systems

  4. Performance and Evaluation Management

  5. The Formation of the appropriate Culture, alongside the supporting Processes

  6. Health and Safety, Employee Wellbeing and finally

  7. Tools are used in the form of Check Lists and Excel that enable effective evaluation of the various HRM sectors through Audits in order to design improvement actions.


The above steps are graphically presented in the following Graph:


For each of the above Processes that will be designed, the necessary Indicators are defined.